- Manfacturer: Linde / Linde Designed System
- Using Liquid Nitrogen To Reduce Temperature In A Insulated Screw Conveyor From
Ambient To Minus 300 Degree Fahrenheit.
- System Consists Of A Stainless Steel Acrison Feeder,
- Model: 1052 G, Driven By 1 H.p., 575 Volt Motor,
- Conveyor Is 7" Diameter X 7'6" Long
- Conveyor Is Jacketed For The Liquid Nitrogen
- Stainless Steel Construction,
- Conveyor Drive: 0.75 H.p., 575 Volt,
- The System Is On A Stand: 11' Long X 5' Wide X 11' High,
- The System Was Used To Minimize The Loss Of Volatiles Or Flavors That Normally Occurs
When Grinding Foods Such As Spices Or Coffee.
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