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Alfa Laval Pre-Chiller Plate Heat Exchanger with Ammonia Receiver TankModel #MK15-BWFDSerial #30110-67615NB #25454Order #645830 / Job #10854Year of MFG. 2007AREA: 742.70 Sf. Ft. MAWP 150 / 250 PSI @ 200 degrees FMDMT -20 degrees F @ 150 / 250 PSILast used as an Ammonia pre-chilling system in a major beverage production facility152 Stainless platesInterconnecting valves, piping, fittingsStainless valving and misc. fittingsAmmonia receiver tank- 30” dia. x 130” Long tank dimensions- Horizontal- Frame mounted with P&FSmaller receiver tankStainless Electrical control panelHansen Technologies LB3 Vari-Level Liquid Level ControllerAdditional Prep Fees May Apply