Weight Right Semi-Automatic Net Weight Filler Model PMB-601 S (PMB-1) two stage vibratory bulk and dribble system for pasta, cranberries, spices, coffee, snack foods, IQF meats/poultry/shrimp, cat litter, tablets, metal parts, plastic pieces, cheese, diced vegetables, bird seed, bacon bits, bath salts, novelty items, pet foods, chemicals, powders, and more. Last ran cinnamon sugar into plastic jars.
Can run trays, jars, boxes, cartons, tins, cans, pouches, multi-compartment trays, or any rigid container.
80 PSI, 120V/1/60.
Accuracy 0 - .01 lbs over.
Cycles per minute:
2oz 15 cpm
1lb 12 cpm
5lb 6 cpm
10lb 4 cpm
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