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Agilent G1811A XY SamplerThe Agilent Technologies XY autosampler (G1811A) is an XYZ robot which can automate sample handling procedures. It is controlled by Agilent ChemStation for UV-visible spectroscopy software of revision A.06.0x or higher. Figure 1 shows the standard configuration of the XY autosampler.SpecificationsSafety certification: UL 3101; CSA 1010; EN 61010EMC certification: EN 50082-1 ;FCC part 15EMI certification: EN 50081-1Autosampler Type: XYZ robot with stationary rack design.Front Panel: One yellow LED.Needle Rinse: Dedicated rinse station for cleaning the inside and outside of the needle. Selectable rinse volume and flow rateNeedle Positioning Performance: Resolution in X, Y and Z: 1 mm. Repeatability in X, Y and Z: 0.25 mm.Arm Speed: X- and Y-axes: 250 mm/s. Z-axis: 126.9 mm/s.Rack Capacity: Up to four 21 series racks.Control: Computer control via RS-232 port.Additional Prep Fees May Apply