Thermo Scientificfts LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD is the most powerful instrument for proteomics analyses: It combines three different and complementary fragmentation techniques CID, HCD, and ETD with the proven benefits of Orbitrap technology.
Combining fast, sensitive linear ion trap MSnwith high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap technology, the research-proven Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL system provides economical access to the power of hybrid ion trap-Orbitrap analysis. With outstanding mass accuracy, resolving power, high sensitivity and MSn capability, the LTQ Orbitrap XL instrument is the instrument of choice for confident, reliable detection, identification, and characterization. The standard higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) collision cell provides exceptional flexibility in fragmentation for advanced proteomics and small-molecule research. The electron transfer dissociation (ETD) generates complementary information for highly sensitive PTM analyses and de novo sequencing.
Manufacture Specifications:
Resolution (apodized):
60000 (FWHM) @ m/z 400 with a scan repetition rate of 1 second
Minimum resolution 7500@ m/z 400
Maximum resolution 100000 @ m/z 400
Cycle Time:
1 scan at 60000 resolution @ m/z 400 per second
Mass Range:
m/z 502000
m/z 2004000
Mass Accuracy:
<3 ppm RMS for 2 h period with external calibration using defined conditions
<2 ppm RMS with internal calibration
Dynamic Range:
>10000 between mass spectra,
>4000 between highest and lowest detectable mass in one spectrum
MS/MS and MSn scan functions
Additional Prep Fees May Apply