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The LightCycler96 Instrument is a real-time PCR system for rapid cycling up to 96 samples. Applications include absolute and relative quantification, melting curve analysis, and endpoint genotyping. Precise LightCycler96 Instrument thermal homogeneity and cycling speed produce accurate and reproducible results in a very short time. The LightCycler96 Instruments optical detection system flexibly detects sequence-dependent probes, such as hydrolysis probes and sequence-independent dyes (i.e.,SYBR Green I). Multiplex and multicolor capabilities permit the use of up to four different fluorescent dyes.Manufacture SpecificationThermal cycling system- Peltier-based, 96-well blockMax ramp rate heating- 4.4CAverage ramp rate cooling- 2.2CProgrammable temperature range- 3798CTemperature accuracy- 0.2C of programmed targettemperatureGradient function- YesGradient operational range- 3798CGradient programmable span (XY C)- Max. 20C gradient rangeExcitation- High-power broad spectrum LEDDetection- CCD CameraAdditional Prep Fees May Apply.