Get high accuracy, premium performance, and ultimate flexibility with the Thermo Scientific Orion Versa Star Pro Benchtop Meter with pH / ISE, Conductivity, and Dissolved Oxygen / RDO Modules. Meet your most challenging applications for pH, ion concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. Easily view measurements on the stunning color display and customize the four-meter channels with interchangeable modules. Log up to 2000 data point sets with time/date stamp and easily transfer logs via USB or RS232 to a printer or computer (not included). Select systems with one or two pH / ISE modules.
Accuracy (Barometer)6 mmHg
Accuracy (Conductivity)0.5% of reading 1 digit > 3 S; 0.5% of reading 0.01 S 3 S
Accuracy (ISE)0.2 mV or 0.05% of reading whichever is greater
Accuracy (Polarographic DO)0.2 mg/L or 2% of reading, whichever is greater
Accuracy (RDO)0.1 mg/L up to 8 mg/L, 0.2 mg/L from 8 to 20 mg/L, 10% of reading up to 50 mg/L
Accuracy (Resistivity, Salinity, TDS)0.5% of reading 1 digit
Accuracy (mV)0.2 mV or 0.05% of reading whichever is greater
Alarm OutputSet point alarm, high/low limit alarm, calibration due alarm
Barometric Pressure Correction400 to 850mmHg, automatic using built-in barometer or manual entry
Calibration Points1 point relative mV (RmV) mode, 1 point ORP mode
Calibration Points (Conductivity)Up to 6
Cell Constant0.001 to 199.9cm-1
Data Points2000 with date and time stamp
DescriptionOrion Versa Star Pro benchtop meter with pH/ISE/mV module, conductivity/TDS/salinity/resistivity module, RDO/DO module and stand
InputsBNC (pH or ISE), 8-pin Mini-DIN (temperature), reference pin-tip, 8-pin Mini-DIN (conductivity with a temperature probe), 9-pin Mini-DIN (RDO or polarographic DO with a temperature probe), 2 stirrer inputs (probe not included)
Isopotential Point7.000pH (adjustable), 1.000 ISE (adjustable)
KeypadNumeric with menu-specific function keys and dual-purpose scroll/shortcut keys
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Portuguese and Korean
MemoryNon-volatile memory preserves data log, calibration log and meter settings
Methods10 per channel
Percent Saturation Relative Accuracy (Polarographic DO)2 % saturation or 2% of reading whichever is greater
Percent Saturation Relative Accuracy (RDO)2% saturation 200% saturation, 10% saturation > 200% saturation
Percent Saturation Resolution (Polarographic DO)0.1, 1% saturation
Percent Saturation Resolution (RDO)0.1, 1% saturation
Power RatingDC input: 9VDC, 1A
Pressure Range400 to 850mmHg
Pressure Resolution0.1mmHg
Range (ISE)0.0001 to 19990 with selectable units of ppm, Molar, mg/L, %, ppb or none
Range (ORP)2000.0 mV
Range (Polarographic DO)0.00 to 90.00mg/L
Range (RDO)0.00 to 50.00mg/L
Range (Relative mV)2000.0 mV
Relative Humidity Range5 to 85%, non-condensing
Resolution (Conductivity)0.001 S minimum, auto-ranging up to 4 significant digits
Resolution (Polarographic DO)0.01, 0.1mg/L
Resolution (RDO)0.01, 0.1mg/L
Resolution (Resistivity)1 ohm or 0.1 meg-ohm, auto-ranging
Resolution (Salinity)0.01 psu or 0.01 ppt minimum, auto-ranging
Resolution (TDS)0.001 ppm minimum, auto-ranging up to 4 significant digits
Resolution (mV)0.1mV
Salinity Factor0.0 to 45.0 ppt, automatic correction using conductivity reading or manual entry of sample salinity
Salinity Measurement ModesPractical salinity (psu) or natural seawater (ppt)
StabilitySelectable fast, medium, slow or Smart Stability setting; Selectable off or Automatic Smart averaging setting
TDS Factor RangeLinear (0.02 to 9.99)
Temperature Accuracy0.1C
Temperature CompensationLinear, nLFn (non-linear ultra pure water), nLFu (non-linear ultra pure degassed water), EP (off with warning) or off
Temperature (English) Operating41F to 113F (ambient)
Temperature (Metric) Operating5C to 45C (ambient)
Temperature (Metric) Reference5, 10, 15, 20, 25C
Temperature Probe Calibration1 point temperature offset calibration
Temperature Range (English)22.0F to 221.0 F
Temperature Resolution0.1C, 0.1F
Temperature SelectionManual or automatic with ATC temperature probe
Accuracy (pH)0.002
Advanced ISE FunctionsSegmented (point-to-point) slope, non-linear selectable auto-blank, low concentration range stability
Backlight OptionYes
CalibrationpH with calibration editing option, ion concentration (ISE) with calibration editing option, relative
Calibration ModesWater-saturated air, air-saturated water, manual (Winkler titration), zero point
Calibration Points (ISE)1 to 6
Calibration Points (pH)1 to 6
Channels4 - customizable with modules
Data Management DetailsTransfer single, range or all data points to printer or computer (included)
Display TypeColor graphic LCD with user-customizable options
IP RatingIP 54
Log Function TypeAutomatic data logging with Auto-Read, Timed and Single Shot measure modes; manual data logging with
Measurement ModespH, mV, relative mV (RmV), ORP or ion concentration (ISE) with temperature; conductivity, TDS, salin
OutputsUSB (2), RS232
Percent Saturation Range (Polarographic DO)0.0 to 600.0% saturation
Percent Saturation Range (RDO)0.0 to 500.0% saturation
Range (Conductivity)0.001 S/cm to 3000 mS/cm
Range (Resistivity)2 ohm to 100.0 meg-ohm
Range (Salinity)0.06 to 80.00 psu, 0.05 to 42.00 ppt
Range (TDS)0.001 to 200.0 ppm
Range (mV)2000.0 mV
Range (pH)-2.000 to 20.000
Resolution (ISE)0.0001 minimum, 1 to 4 significant digits (user selectable)
Resolution (pH)0.1/0.01/0.001
Temperature Range (Metric)-5.0C to +105.0C
Additional Prep Fees May Apply.