You’re likely already familiar with the basics behind a basic household kettle. Also commonly referred to as a “tea kettle,” kettles are pots that are made from metal that, essentially, serve to boil water. Normally, kettles accomplish this by being placed on a stovetop, where they are heated. After the water is heated to the appropriate level, the kettle can easily be removed via its handle and poured into a cup or another container via its spout.
Industrial kettles work similarly to how your standard kettle works – except that they’re much larger, thereby working to serve larger volumes of product. Also unlike your typical tea kettle, industrial kettles are usually installed for the sole purpose of heating something – and it doesn’t necessarily have to be water. For instance, breweries typically have one or more large scale industrial kettles to aid them in the beer brewing process. Another key, yet obvious difference, where industrial kettles differ from household kettles is that they’re much more expensive, potentially costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
While industrial kettles serve a purpose in a variety of different environments, one alternative to the industrial kettle is the tank. Tanks are somewhat self-explanatory, and, like kettles, can play a large role in heating products in an industrial environment. One inquiry, however, that’s commonly asked of us when it comes to the tanks versus industrial kettles as far as products go for a facility is when to use which and why to use which. On that note, we’ve put together a bit of a guide on when you should opt for the industrial kettle over the tank for your facility.
When to Use an Industrial Kettle (and Not a Tank)
So just when should you use an industrial kettle over a tank? Here’s a closer look:
- When product needs to be heated evenly throughout: Think of when you go to heat up something in the microwave, say soup, for instance. Even if you have a rotating tray in the microwave, chances are that certain parts of the soup are still going to heat up better than others, forcing you to either eat or serve it as-is, or stir it around and heat it up some more. One of the nice benefits of an industrial kettle is that it’s unlikely to have this aforementioned problem thanks to agitators. Simply put, agitators are components of many industrial kettles that keep the product inside heated evenly throughout. There are various different types of agitators, so make sure that you select the one that works best for your situation.
- You need fast food preparation: The agitator feature that we mentioned above is one way thatindustrial kettles help speed up the production process. Another way these machines help do this is via a steam-jacketed feature. Aside from the speedy processing times that such kettles help ensure, there’s also a few notable quality issues that this feature helps with. For instance, kettles with the steam-jacketed feature are much less likely to burn or scorch the food product, thereby ensuring better end quality. Finally, steam-jacketed kettles can also help kettles produce larger amounts of the food product. While this might not factor directly into the speed aspect of these devices, it surely helps factor into the effectiveness and processing potential of this type of equipment.
- You want to reduce labor: Industrial kettles, to a certain extent, run without a lot of maintenance. This is a unique feature, as it allows employees to work elsewhere in the facility while the kettle is doing it’s job to maximize employee efficiency. Kettles can also help a plant manager reduce labor costs, if that’s the particular route that they choose to take. Whatever the case, the fact is that kettles don’t require a lot of monitoring when you compare this type of equipment to other types of equipment that’s designed to serve similar purposes.
- Increased durability: Industrial kettles are strong – like, really strong. They’re typically constructed from metal – stainless steel, to be specific – and also available in different types of grades to serve different types of purposes. Take, for instance, 304 stainless steel. This type of metal is ideal for general purpose applications. There’s also 316 stainless steel, which is even more durable than 304 stainless steel – and it’s designed specifically for more acidic foods that could force the lesser grade of stainless steel to wear down prematurely.
- Versatility: Industrial kettles are also somewhat versatile when it comes to their power source. In fact, they can run off of three types of power sources – gas, electric or direct steam. The most efficient power source is the direct steam, as such kettles can actually run off of the steam from the facility’s boiler system. This method also helps the kettle process its product the fastest, compared to the other two power methods. Conversely, gas and electric powered kettles also have their fair share of benefits, notably that they require much less maintenance than the direct steam models. Aside from power source, industrial kettles are also available in two main types – tilting and stationary. The type of kettle that’s best for you will depend on what exactly you’ll be needing to use the kettle for.
There are a lot of other benefits to industrial kettles, and the reasons why they should be utilized rather than a tank are plentiful. But when it comes to industrial kettles, one thing is also certain – and that’s their price tag. Kettles are very important pieces of equipment in the likes of food production facilities and other similar companies, so to say that they’re essential is an understatement. However, the high price tag of brand new kettle models can be a lot for a business to handle, especially if a kettle breaks down prematurely and it isn’t quite in the budget yet to replace it. That’s where a credible used equipment and appliance site, such as Bid on Equipment, can come in really handy, as it offers businesses and individuals the ability to bid on like-new machinery for a used price. The cost savings associated with going this route, as opposed to buying brand new, can pay big dividends for a brand’s bottom line, permitting them to keep operations at where they should be without breaking the bank on a new piece of equipment in order to do so.
For more information on industrial kettles, when they should be used versus a tank and to browse Bid on Equipment’s line of such kettles, contact the company today.