AI vs. Art Consumer Shopping Habits

    AI vs. Art Consumer Shopping Habits

    Consumer Literacy Survey: 34% Can’t Tell AI Designs from Original Artwork

    From Small Business Saturday to farmers markets and holiday craft shows, ‘tis the season for holiday shopping. While 83% of Americans plan to support local businesses, many are struggling to find true handmade and custom goods made by artisans.

    A new survey of over 1,000 American consumers found that over 1 in 3 (34%) have trouble finding authentic craft-based businesses online, but the problem may not be limited to online competition. While shoppers want to support these artists, they’re facing many hurdles especially when it comes to consumer literacy and AI.

    60% of Consumers Believe AI is Killing Original Artwork

    Consumer Literacy AI vs. Artisanal -

    AI is transforming people’s everyday lives, but one industry more so than most: artisans. These craft-based businesses extend beyond paintings and include anything from jewelry to clothing, soaps, candles, and even metalsmithing and leather goods.3 in 5, or 60%, of Americans believe AI is killing original artwork.

    This may be because many shoppers struggle with consumer literacy and can’t recognize authentic homemade products. Consumer literacy reflects the ability to make educated decisions when buying a product or service, such as understanding different product types.

    Survey statistics show over 1 in 3 (34%) can’t tell the difference between AI and original artwork. Meanwhile, 21% can’t tell the difference between artisan and mass-produced goods. While 1 in 10 have bought a product that has an AI design, 43% would consider doing so.

    How Americans Value Art

    The difficulty distinguishing those products may be why survey respondents feel art culture is changing in America. When asked what they value in art, most people valued originality and uniqueness followed by craftsmanship, artistic style, and beauty. However, 36% do not think Americans value original art in this day and age.

    For others, they feel art is out of their budget. Nearly half (46%) feel too poor to buy original artwork. Keep in mind artwork doesn’t have to be millions of dollars. You can support local artists and artisans without having to spend a lot of money. Consider shopping locally in-person or online when looking for gifts for others (or yourself!) this holiday season.


    In September 2024, we surveyed 1,010 Americans about their shopping habits. 45% were male, 52% female, 2% non-binary, and 1% would rather not say. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 78 with an average age of 40.

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